To the project
The VidNuT project started in June 2021 and aims to develop theory-guided video vignettes in the subjects of chemistry, physics, technology and textiles.
Video vignettes are condensed case studies from the classroom, in which student teachers are prepared for classroom action. For this purpose, courses at the VidNuT project locations are tailored to the situational competence acquisition with video vignettes: In a protected online learning environment, the video vignettes with task master files and context materials can be used by students and lecturers in compliance with EU GDPR. The common focus is the professional teaching perception of students: internal presentations on different teaching topics of the participating subjects.
In the interdisciplinary VidNuT project team, didactic specialists and experts in digital design, digital online learning environments and evaluation work together. The project is embedded in the “Strategic Partnerships” funding line of the “Erasmus + Higher Education” program of the European Union.

Project background
Theoretical background
What happens to pupils during classroom learning, what inhibits learning? A professional perception of these processes is THE key to effective teaching by teachers. Without this, learning can be very difficult.
How do you enable prospective teachers to professionally perceive teaching in its processes and facets? ...


VidNuT 1: Redox (chemistry: PH Tirol site)
VidNuT 2: Acid-base (chemistry: University of Vienna)
VidNuT 3: Nature of Science (chemistry: PH Heidelberg)
VidNuT 4: Optics (physics: PH Schwäbisch Gmünd)
VidNuT 5: Energy conversions (physics: University of Bozen)
VidNuT 6: Warmth (physics: PH Tirol)
VidNuT 7: Robots or robot-like machines (technology: PH Tirol)
VidNuT 8: Electrical engineering (technology: PH Ludwigsburg)
VidNuT 9: Mechanics / energy supply (technology: PH Schwäbisch Gmünd)
VidNuT 10: Cover (textile: PH Luzern)

Eghtessad, A. & Goreth, S. (2022). Erstellung von Videovignetten zu Schülervorstellungen. In S. Habig & H. van Vort (Hrsg.), Unsicherheit als Element von naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Bildungsprozessen (virtuell) (p. 380-383)
GDCP-Tagungsband (virtual) (380-383).
Nepper, H. H. & Windelband, L. (2022). Mögliche Reaktionsmodi zu Lernendenvorstellungen im technikbezogenen Unterricht. In E. Eichelberger, V. Huber Nievergelt & A. Käser (Hrsg.), Forschend Lernen und Lehren im Textilen und Technischen Gestalten. (p. 195-206). Bern: hep.